The Ultimate MDX Guide: Rich Content in Your Blog

The Ultimate MDX Guide: Rich Content in Your Blog

4 min read

Welcome to MDX! 🚀

MDX is a powerful format that lets you seamlessly write JSX in your Markdown documents. Let's explore what we can do with it!

Basic Markdown Features

First, let's look at some basic Markdown formatting:

Code Blocks

MDX handles code beautifully. Here's a TypeScript example:

interface BlogPost {
  title: string;
  date: string;
  content: string;
function BlogCard({ post }: { post: BlogPost }) {
  return (


MDX supports both regular Markdown images and more complex image components. Here are some examples:

Beautiful Code Editor A developer's workspace - clean and minimal

You can also add multiple images in a grid:

Coding on laptop Code closeup


Embed videos from various sources:

YouTube Video

Custom Video Player

<video controls className="w-full rounded-lg my-8" poster=""

Your browser does not support the video tag.

Interactive Components

MDX allows you to use React components directly in your markdown. Here's an example of an interactive component:

<div className="p-4 rounded-lg bg-neutral-100 dark:bg-neutral-900 my-8">
  <h3 className="text-lg font-medium mb-2">Interactive Demo</h3>
  <p className="text-neutral-600 dark:text-neutral-400">
    This could be any React component - a live code editor, an interactive
    chart, or a game!

Tips for Writing MDX

  1. Keep it organized: Structure your content with clear headings
  2. Use components wisely: Don't overuse interactive components
  3. Optimize images: Always compress and properly size images
  4. Test thoroughly: Check your content in both light and dark modes


MDX is a powerful tool that combines the simplicity of Markdown with the flexibility of React components. Use it to create engaging, interactive blog posts that stand out!

This is just a sample of what's possible with MDX. The possibilities are endless when you combine Markdown with React components!